“If They Feel My Time In NY Is Over…”

So the pink elephant in the room of any Carmelo conversation is usually the fact that he still does not have acarmelo .gif ring. The conversation lately, however, has been strictly trade rumors, and people are excited. Do I think that they should be? No. The basic run-down is that Melo has a no-trade clause, and when it comes to waiving it, he says, ” I haven’t even thought about it.” The truth is, the Knicks have lost 10 out of their last 12 games and are under .500, so of course fans of the franchise want answers, or at the very least a scapegoat. Charley Rosen, close colleague of Phil Jackson,  has some opinions of his own that made quite the stir Yesterday. According to FanRag, Rosen said that Anthony’s “legs are going, going,gone” and “the only sure thing is that Carmelo Anthony has outlived his usefulness in New York.” Ouch! Even though Rosen back peddled and said everything “was totally my opinion–I never talked to Phil about this.” Melo responded by saying, “if they feel my time in New York is over, I guess that’s a conversation we should have.” There have been rumors circulating that Melo may soften his views even further on being traded, but it has to specifically be two teams: The Cleveland Cavaliers or the Los Angeles Clippers. If we’re asking for my opinion I don’t think Melo is going anywhere, but if he was I think he needs to throw the Lakers on the roster of teams he’s considering, but that’s another story for another day.


I’m back! I know it’s been a while, but it was for good reason. I have a lot of exciting ventures coming up, and while I want most of it to be a surprise, the one thing that I can definitely say now is that within a month I’m changing the blog into a full functioning/ interactive website. From now on I will go back to making blog posts every day, as well as keeping you updated on all the cool things that are coming soon. Thanks for the support!