Westbrook is Going Off!

giphy-1Let me start off by saying that according to NBA.com Westbrook is tied with LeBron in the 6th spot for all time triple-doubles and has played in 395 less games than Bron. If anyone is excited as hell about this, it’s me. The petty side of me is excited because he wanted OKC to be his team and he got it, while making KD look even crazier about the way he played out his trade decision. It’s not about what you do, it’s about how you do it; and if Westbrook is doing this to prove a point, he won. Yeah, its cool to when you break records for strictly points and having a high field goal percentage, but averaging a triple double is a tremendous sign of being a true elite player. In the last 24 hours this man has had 53 points, 25 rebounds, and 33 assists. That’s not only two triple-doubles, but 2 wins as well. This are getting interesting very intresting in the NBA, and that’s saying the least.

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